Before you start a claim, please ensure you have all the details to hand. Please upload the correct documents including full medical history and treatment invoices, which must be receipted if the claim is submitted by the policyholder and if the claim is to be settled to the policyholder. This will ensure your claim is processed quickly. If we do not receive the correct documentation this will hold up your claim.
Section 1
I am a Policy HolderVeterinarian
I am claiming for Claim for Veterinary Fees
Policyholder Details
First Name*
Policy Number*
You will find these details on your welcome pack
House Name / Number*
Pet's Details
Pet's Name*
Pet's Breed*
Pet's Colour*
Date of registration with Vet / Date of Birth*
Veterinary Details Enter the vet details where your pet received treatment.
Practice Name*
Practice Email Address
Practice Address*
Practice Postcode*
Section 2
Payment Details
Who are we paying? Policy HolderVet
Name of Account Holder*
Account Number (max. of 8 characters)*
Sort Code (max. of 6 characters)*
Name of Account Holder (if known)
Account Number (if known. max. of 8 characters)
Sort Code (if known. max. of 6 characters)
I am claiming for Claim for Veterinary FeesLoss by Theft or StrayingRecovery – Advertising & RewardKennel & Cattery FeesHoliday CancellationDeath of Pet
Policy Details
Email Address*
Do you hold any other Pet Insurance for this pet? YesNo
Please enter your insurer and policy number
We suggest you ask your Vet to submit the form.
Section 3
Claim Details
Payment can only be made directly to you, the policy holder, or your vet, not any third party. The selected party should enter their bank details in the section below.
The excess applies annually to each illness or condition treated during the Period of Insurance, as shown in your policy schedule.
In addition to the excess, you may also be required to pay a percentage contribution to the cost of treatment, as shown in your policy schedule.
Payment received for treatments after the current Period of Insurance will be paid as separate claims under your renewal policy.
Please refer to your policy Terms & Conditions for details of your cover and policy exclusions.
Details of diagnosis*
Treatment Dates* (Claims must be submitted within 6 months of the treatment start date unless otherwise stated.)
Total cost inc. VAT*
Is this a continuation of a previous claim*
Date pet first registered / Pet's date of Birth
Date signs first noticed by owner, as far as you are aware / Onset Date*
Date pet first registered / Pet's date of Birth*
Date signs first noticed by owner, as far as you are aware*
In the event of the death of a pet, please fill in the below
Date of death
Cause of death
If euthanasia, please indicate why necessary
Were any charges made for cremation or burial?
If so how much
Section 4
Before you submit your claim, please upload the following documents:
Your pet's full medical history from your vet
Itemised treatment invoices
If you do not provide these documents, your claim will not be assessed and there may be a delay when processing your claim.
Upload full medical history* (available from your vet)
Upload treatment invoices* (available from your vet and must be receipted if the settlement is to be made to the policyholder)
Upload laboratory and referral reports File formats must be in PDF, JPG or GIF format with a total file size of 6MB.
We will pay you the purchase price which you paid for your pet, if your pet is stolen or strayed and you do not get your pet back within 30 days.
Please refer to your policy schedule to check whether this benefit applies to your policy
Description of loss*
Date of Loss*
Purchase price of Pet
Police Crime Reference Number
Supporting documents to upload Please provide the following documentation in support of your claim:
Evidence of microchip database acknowledgement of the loss/theft
For pedigree pets – the original purchase receipt and original pedigree certificate
For non-pedigree pets – the original purchase receipt signed by the person from whom you purchased your pet, together this their name and full address
For rescue pets – please send us the original paperwork given by the rescue centre showing the price/donation you paid.
Evidence of search attempts, this can include social media attempts to recover your pet.
Please note that failure to provide these documents may result in a delay to the processing of the claim.
Upload document / documents - the total file size must not exceed 6MB. We accept PDF, JPEG & GIF format.
Subject to our prior approval, if you try and find your pet after it is lost or stolen, we will pay;
The recovery and other associated costs
The cost of advertising and
The amount of any reward you have offered and paid to get your pet back
Description of Recovery Efforts*
Advertising Costs Claiming for
Evidence of search attempts, this can include social media attempts to recover your pet
Advertising Costs
If you have paid a reward to recover your pet, please provide the receipt, full name and address of the person it was paid to
We will pay the kennel and cattery fees if during the period of insurance, you are ill or injured and have to go into hospital for more than 48 hours and your pet is put into a licensed kennel/cattery while you are in hospital
Description of Kennel & Cattery fees claim*
Kennel/Cattery costs claiming for
The original receipt from the boarding kennels/cattery
The discharge documentation provided by the hospital
In the event that you have to cancel your holiday within 7 days before your departure date or come home early because your pet needs life saving surgery, we will pay you;
The value of any unused travel and accommodation expenses
Any extra travel expenses in order for you to return home – provided you cannot get these expenses back from anywhere else e.g. Travel Insurance.
Holiday cancellation costs claiming for
Confirmation from the Vet that you cutting your holiday short was recommended
The original booking invoice(s) supplied by your tour operator, travel agent, airline and/or accommodation provider for your trip
Cancellation invoice/confirmation supplied by your tour operator, travel agent, airline and/or accommodation provider
A copy of your travel insurance policy schedule confirming levels of cover
In the event of accidental death of your pet, we will reimburse you the purchase price that you paid for your pet up to the policy limit.
We are sorry to learn of the death of your pet and would like to offer our sincere condolences. In order that we may consider your claim, we would ask that you kindly provide a detailed explanation of the circumstances of the accident and the course of action taken in regards to your pets cremation/burial.
Details of death of petclaim*
Costs claiming for
For pedigree pets - the original purchase receipt and the original pedigree certificate
For non-pedigree pets - the original purchase receipt signed by the person from whom you purchased your pet together with his/her name and full address
For rescue pets - please send us the original paperwork given by the rescue centre showing the price/donation you paid
A full clinical history from the Vets confirming the cremation/burial arrangements
Please download a third party claim form here.
Please complete the form and include any supporting documents.
Post to: Pet Protect, Betchworth House, 57-65 Station Road, Redhill, RH1 1DL
Section 5
Declaration I certify, to the best of my knowledge that all the information provided by myself is accurate and complete. I also confirm that the fees charged are my normal practice fees relating to this matter and are no more than the fees I would normally charge my clients. Where a client discount has been applied to the fees this has been deducted from the amount claimed on this claim form. Please tick to confirm the above statement
Declaration I declare that the above statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby give my full consent to Petprotect to contact any 3rd party detailed in the documents or information I have provided in the event that further information is required in support of my claim. Please tick to confirm the above statement Information you provide us will be held in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
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